Trust your instincts

3 Feb 2023

I have just completed a blog about trusting your instincts and your gut feelings. I copied it and emailed to myself as a safety measure in case I lost it. Somehow, on the way to copying and pasting it, I managed to delete my completed blog and was only left with a few lines of my first draft. My blog is automatically saved. So now I sit here with a blank screen. My instinct is to always send it to myself then email it to Moodscope.

I am feeling foolish and tired. Why do I make so many mistakes with computers and lose my work?

Does this mean I should not trust my instincts at all?

I am trying to remember what I wrote but it is hard and seems forced.

What inspired the topic was that many people say that they always follow their gut feeling. For some it is a real feeling in their gut or some clarity or insight that can mean goosebumps or clammy hands.

Have you ever followed your gut feeling and were glad you did? Have you not followed your instinct and are pleased you did?

Do you sometimes trust that feeling and sometimes not, depending on the context or your mood?

I followed my instinct not to give up on this blog but to write a few thoughts when all I wanted to do was sleep!


A Moodscope member

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