Two Devils

30 Nov 2018

Depression and anxiety come in waves - a never ending cycle of a constant sea change; a repetitive state, a thought and feeling that "I will never be okay ever again!".

It is a broken record which repeats over and over every day. My fragmented thoughts make me feel like things aren't so good, but after talking, I realise it's OK to say "I am not feeling good." It is a constant and draining battle everyday. If I do not fight it, it will take over me, with its cloud of negativity telling me I am not good enough and people are better off without me!

But I won't let these thoughts and feelings define me. I am stronger than them and with each day that passes, I realise I am stronger than they can ever be!

It's like two devils on my shoulders; one makes me feel like no one likes me and the other one makes me worry unnecessarily. They aren't just fighting me, they fight each other - some days I can cope other days I can't both are always there.


A Moodscope member

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