Two Roses on a Stem

21 Sep 2019

A poem in memory of my twin sister, Catherine who died by suicide on 6 January 1982.

Fallen rose petals rest in a glass jar by my side.

You are on thin ice, I am deep in snow.

Whose footsteps do I hear? My sister's, who has suffered so.

The pain is deeper than the snow, and the ice has cracked.

We read the Two Too Twins book

We were either too quiet, too sad, but never too mad

And now I don't know how I can feel glad.

Strumming your life on a guitar,

Dancing my life in a leotard,

Your music sounded like a beating heart.

You and I, two roses,

Fresh from the garden where love grew wild,

Rain fell in summer, and the stem broke.

The rose petals fell to the ground, but they won't fade away.

I keep the rose petals in a glass jar, by my side.

One rose sleeps, the other grows.


A Moodscope member

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