Two Words

27 May 2021

Last year when I was feeling overwhelmed, I contacted a person who had often told me I could reach out to them. I wrote a detailed email about how I was feeling.

What I received was a short reply, “Stay strong”.

There was no mention of any of the points I had made or any of the feelings I had communicated. I understand there is a need for tenderness when we are struggling so people say stay strong.

I think there are other ways of communicating the need to care for someone, such as actually reading or listening to what they wrote or said.

I am aware for some people the words “Stay strong” would be helpful and gratefully received and there are other words that other people find unhelpful that I may not mind.

I remember telling a friend about the stay strong advice, and a week later someone had sent her the same words, over a totally different problem. We laughed.


Before you say Leah, people are saying these words from the heart, I do know that. For me at a time when I felt weak and overwhelmed to be told stay strong seemed quite simplistic.


I wonder if there are any words that annoy you that people say when you may have asked for help.

How do you feel about the words stay strong?

Are there words people say when you communicate how you are feeling that you find helpful?


A Moodscope member.

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