
19 Mar 2020

I don't deal well with uncertainty. I never have. I like to have a plan or strategy in place so I know what I'm doing. Surprisingly, I'm actually ok when things change, as long as I can make a new plan. I can cope with evolving times, as long as I keep revising my life strategy.

Right now coronavirus is taking over my part of the world. Here in the UK some people worry that the government's measures haven't gone far enough quickly enough and so many of those around me are adopting more stringent personal action plans. Others are, understandably, grumbling about the inconvenience.

I'm not normally one to panic about this kind of thing, and pragmatism is a character trait that I hold. But Covid is causing problems for everyone. I'm uncertain about my coping strategy and suddenly my anxiety is sky high. Should we go out or should we stay in even though we feel fine, just in case? How long will this last? How will my childcare be affected? How will my marathon training be affected? How will we all cope?

I'm actually pretty good in a crisis situation and if/when we need to hunker down I'll switch into crisis mode. But the uncertainty of this pre-shutdown situation is unsettling. I'm sure many others are feeling similar. Coping in unsettling times is part of building our resilience which in turn is beneficial for strengthening our positive mental health. So I thought it might be helpful to share strategies for dealing with uncertainty, not just with Covid but with life in general.

What do you all think and do to steady yourselves in unsettling times?

With certain love


A Moodscope member.

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