Understanding mental health

7 Oct 2023

I am starting this Post not being too sure how it will develop!

Recently I had thoughts about ways of helping our minds reach the goal of acceptance. I think one way is by having a greater understanding of our mental health. So before we come to an acceptance of our mental health condition we need to learn and know as much about it as we can.

There are numerous sources of useful information. Obviously let’s start with Moodscope which gives us two main avenues. Firstly completing the daily mood score with annotations provides valuable information over a period of time. Also the blog is a very useful way of sharing information with those who may have similar mental health conditions. 

As with all health conditions you need a diagnosis to begin understanding what you are dealing with. There are many different types of mental illness and it seems sensible to seek professional help such as a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.  

A diagnosis narrows the field a little, but further research using the internet may make matters more confusing. We are all individuals and no two people, with say anxiety, have exactly the same symptoms.   

So you need to keep your research as personal as possible. A good starting point may be to makes lists of things that both make your mental health better and worse. For me I have learnt: 

Better: Talking to others, music, nature, writing, eating, playing games.

Worse: Insufficient rest, arguments, negative thoughts, stressful situations (for example, modern technology). 

In addition to their own mental health conditions some people are also interested in the wider topic of mental health. There are many articles in newspapers and magazines that provide insights into mental health.

To gain greater understanding we need to have a high level of awareness. “Awareness” is important in mental health matters. We are acknowledging our mental health condition in order to learn more about it.

There is some useful advice on the ‘Better Up’ site. It is headed ‘Understanding The Mental Health Journey’ and is written by the American Psychotherapist Kealy Spring. This is an excerpt:

“One important aspect about mental health is that a quick fix is rarely possible. It’s a journey. And like every adventure it has its ups and downs. Although it’s not always fun, it is rewarding. When you learn to approach your mental health as a journey, you build resilience. You continue to learn, grow and get to know yourself better than you did yesterday. And, although it may not have an ending, it won’t always be so hard.” 

We can help each other along the way and as always I am interested to hear your views. 

If you want to find out more about this subject there is a detailed article on the ‘Psychology Today’ site. It is written by Tom Wooton called ‘Understanding Depression and Bipolar’.


A Moodscope member  

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