Unfinished business.

25 Aug 2016

A few weeks ago in the dusty cluttered far corner tucked under a bed, I found a small box that contained a half a woollen singlet I started knitting for my daughter who is now in her 30s when I was pregnant with her.

It is not the only project I have started and not finished but it may be the longest. I have books I have not completed, letters I have started but not ended or posted. I am not alone.

I have friends who between them have a laundry that has one half wall painted, a garden wall about half finished, a deep hole in the garden where a pond was going, a shed full of chairs waiting to be upholstered, and study courses started but never completed.

Not everyone is like this. A neighbour answered, when I asked her if she has something she hasn't finished, with "lunch?".

It was the only thing she could think of as her world is full of finished projects and she told me she would never start something she felt she could not complete.

Are we too ambitious rather than being procrastinators? Or are we both?

Another reason that prompted me to write on this topic is I have several incomplete blogs. I know that sounds silly how can you not write 300 words or less. I usually get stuck at around 150 words and feel the topic is of no interest to anyone, or it does not make sense.

So that is not a case of delaying the writing, or being overambitious as I have written blogs before. I am still unclear why I can't finish things. I am not a perfectionist but I suppose I do lose interest in things quickly. That maybe a clue.

Are you someone that has many unfinished projects? Why do you think you often don't complete jobs?

Are you someone who always finishes projects that you start? What makes you want to complete tasks?


A Moodscope Member

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