Unnecessary Endings, Unjustified Means

19 Feb 2024

I was taught, "The end justifies the means."  What total rubbish!

WHAT a week I’ve had. Our beloved Community Radio Station came to an untimely end, and I have been signed off work as medically (mentally) unfit to continue! 

Both of these were unnecessary endings, provoked by unjustified means…

What was the cause of the demise of the Radio Station and my role in church? People and Politics, Egos unabridged – ?

‘I’ disease. They say most people don’t leave a job; they leave a manager… Well, my manager has been lovely up until recently. The Radio Station was another matter – friction and factions all along its 7-year history. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

My point? Life is ALL about people, relationships, collaboration, and communication.

So much sadness and waste can be avoided when we work on our relationships, have a win-win collaborative mentality, and over-communicate rather than leave people in the dark – guessing. Their guesses are rarely right, nor are they usually positive.

My appeal to you is my appeal to me. Seek for win-win in all opportunities. What does a ‘win’ look like to ‘them’? What does a ‘win’ look like to ‘us’?  How can both perspectives get more of what we want?

Competition is destructive; collaboration is constructive.None of us is as smart as all of us.  

With whom could you collaborate this week for an outcome of a much higher order?

Lex xx

A Moodscope member

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