Virtual Christmas lunch.

20 Dec 2015

I would like to invite all Moodscopers to my 'virtual' Christmas lunch, date and time to be arranged.


'Granny's' Home Made Soup.


Traditional Turkey with all the trimmings (vegetarian option available).


Cheese and crackers

For starter, I will be 'serving' homemade soup using granny's old recipe which is so comforting and heartwarming on these cold days. While enjoying the soup I would like to ask you to think of people you know for whom this time of year is difficult. Their first Christmas without a loved one. Their first Christmas on their own following a relationship breakdown.

We all know someone who finds this time of year difficult for whatever reason. So for starters why don't you pick up the phone or text them and let them know that you are thinking of them with some comforting, warm, kind words.

Main Course will be traditional Turkey with all the trimmings or vegetarian option. While tucking into this course please remember that for some, a traditional Christmas dinner will be a dream and instead they will be eating whatever they can afford.

So when you are next in the Supermarket why don't you buy a couple of extras and donate them to a local food bank. Just think if we all donated a couple of items then many people could potentially enjoy a meal without worrying of the cost and all thanks to the generosity of the wonderful Moodscope members.

For dessert I thought cheese and crackers. Once again, as you munch your way through the array of different cheeses and crackers I will be serving I would ask you to spare a thought this time for the people who find this time of year difficult due to disability or mental health issues.

For those suffering mental health issues this is a time of year they dread. They are expected to be happy and excited as everyone else but inside they want to scream out that they can't just turn on their 'happy mode' and so many will walk about with a big 'cheesy' smiles but underneath it all they would rather hide in a darkened room until the New Year.

Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays.


A Moodscope member.

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