
21 Nov 2023

“Am I too old?”

“When you get to a certain age we don’t bounce back as well as when we were young.”

“Now that I am a pensioner, it is not something I want to be doing.”

And the voices communicated in an advisory tone reverberate in my ear.

To contrast this I hear:

“If you want to do it go for it!”

“You are never too old?”

Each year, apart from lock down, I have planned an activity that entails flying in the loosest sense.

At nearly 72, last night I experienced the buzz of harness yoga. We suspended upside down, it felt precarious but I was assured it was secure by the gentle instructor. For someone with Dyspraxia, any physical activity that entailed balancing is a huge challenge. The sense of fear of falling and hurting myself can be overwhelming.

The fear never left and it took great effort to tell the ‘voice’ inside to ‘shush’ and let excited emotion float to the top.

I feel elated that I flew!

What voices do we heed?

What voices do we reflect on?

What voices do we suppress?


A Moodscope member

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