Waking up to a positive, energetic day.

16 Dec 2017

It's summer in Cape Town and a December south-easter wind rattles roofs and jangles nerves. I am working hard, harder than last month and I'm loving it. This morning I woke to a calming meditation and as I listened the words, "I can do it," came to mind. I went downstairs and made a coffee. I can hear the sound of the ocean and the wind has miraculously calmed down.

As I wait for the water to boil, I think about all the people in the world with no running water, a roof over their heads and a comfortable bed to sleep in. As I pour fresh ground coffee, I feel grateful for the many comforts I enjoy.

Today, I refuse to listen to all the bad news, over and over. It only makes me worried and upset. By letting go of all this noise, I can free my mind to be present to the moment breath by breath.

You see, getting to this place is not easy. As an older woman (now 60), I have fought the world, always wanting to make a difference (whatever that means). I see how futile is this struggle, this angst. Now, it's about quality of life and making time to be in the flow, in the zone.

Quite simply, I take control of my mind chatter with mindful breathing and a strong commitment to practice loving kindness and to apply the balm of patience to angry and reactive thoughts. They only cloud my judgement and my loving heart is obscured, like clouds in the clear blue sky.

Julia G

A Moodscope member.

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