Walk, Laugh, Dance

5 May 2024

Lady Penelope and I were walking through The Hyde Collection at Kingston Lacy, emotionally overwhelmed by the abundant blooms on the Azaleas. Truly, the Wild Garlic and Azaleas have never looked better. So much rain clearly helps some life-forms flourish. One beings damp day is another's excuse to become the best they can be.

Uncharacteristically, I said to Penny, “I want to dance!”  The fulness of Life momentarily captured my impoverished spirit and lifted it higher. We didn’t dance, because we are 'British', but I wanted to. She's a little-bit Dorset, I'm a little-bit Rock-n-Roll. We're both repressed.

I was dancing on the inside, though.

Darkness may be over the face of the socio-economic-political world, but it doesn’t have to eclipse YOUR joy. Your Inner Child - your joyous, unsullied Inner Child - may yet find many reasons to want to dance.

Do you have the DESIRE to dance? That may well be enough!

And your dancing (inward or outward) will change your world… and the world of anyone who will join you in the dance. Maybe angels are watching, waiting... Sting has a few thoughts on this... https://youtu.be/sPbxYNNpvug?si=twmfyl7ko_TkdGN7

Walking, Laughing, Dancing breaks the spell – shatters the cycle of doom and gloom.

The physio-psychology is well-proven… movement changes everything. Laughter IS the best medicine. And dancing is the biggest paradigm shifter. It’s in the rhythm of the dancer (Wolfstone – “Heart and Soul,” well worth the Internet search https://youtu.be/Q0Hq6LhraZk?si=G7A8uuI1socwFuZZ )

The only question is will you accept the invitation from me to dance in spite of the pain, the shame, the days of grey? Forget the embarrassment, you are beautiful and I love the way you dance.

One of my favourite lyrics says,

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,

Never settle for the path of least resistance,

Livin' might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin',

Lovin' might be a mistake, but it's worth makin',

Don't let some Hell bent heart leave you bitter,

When you come close to sellin' out reconsider,

Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance…

… I hope you dance.

Behold the Azaleas.

Sense the Wild Garlic.

Is there yet Wild Garlic in your heart?

If there is, I hope you’ll dance… at least around the kitchen.

And for all our sakes... Don't give up

[You'd be forgiven for thinking I was a Radio DJ once upon a time...]


A Moodscope member

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