Walking Streets at Midnight.

12 Jun 2015

Today I left me all alone,

Today I walked away from home,

Today I walked, I'm on my own,

Today my life – call it a loan?

Today my heart beats once again,

Today I notice I have some friends,

Today I don't worry about my loose ends,

To my heart it sorts and daily sends,

Messages to my head to keep me alive,

Messages of love that help me thrive,

Messages that confuse me now and again,

Messages that feel like an old refrain.

Who am I as I walk the streets,

Who was I when I heard the beats?

With hearts of love and pain and hope,

How many times did I want to elope?

With the person I found inside of me,

The person I found who 'he' wanted to be,

The person who saw and helped me see,

Through the spirits that brought me to my knees.

But I had to get up and move on through,

I had to stand and be so true.

To my values through my hopes and dreams,

That nearly killed me off as I turned so blue.

Time to inscape now - go the other way,

Go deeply in - turn night to day,

Let my soul - finally have its say,

Stop the life - where I pay and pay.

This escaping life that grows so thin,

This material life where you never win,

That money'd life where people sin,

That short fat life where the reaper grins.

Can you cope with the pain when you follow your heart?

Can you go through the tunnel when all else goes dark?

Can you hope through all that's stark?

Can you look in and find that vital spark?

So here's to you and all your dreams,

Life is never all that it seems.

You have to go in and find the means,

This f'ing world is coming apart at the seams.

This world can live through you and your dreams.

So believe now, you can find a way,

To make the change where courage holds sway

To step out of comfort and have your say

Things can change day after day.

Go do it now and feel the shift,

Go do it now and bring your gift,

Go do it now it can be swift,

Don't go with the societal drift.

Find your path of your own way,

Find the courage you need today,

Step out and lead where values hold sway,

Life does not have to be so grey.

Where is your path and walk taking you?


A Moodscope member.

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