Walking - the new meditation

25 Nov 2018

I enjoy reading blogs on Moodscope every morning. It's become part of my daily routine. Sometimes the blog will stay with me, other times, I can't relate so quickly delete. Then, its off to get clean, dressed and out the door to work.

I've started walking in the morning. My walk to work takes me 30 minutes door to door and I go through varied city terrain to get there. I'm lucky that I live in Glasgow and have the benefit of its local architecture to keep me company. I also listen to the radio on my jaunt.

There's something magical about walking. Not only does it get you to your destination, it's good for you but it also gives me a space to 'meditate'. Now, please don't be put off by the word as I once was. I often think meditation is over thought - or has connotations of chanting and spirituality - when all it simply is is observing and breathing. Those of you who have read Buddha Da by Anne Donovan, you'll know where I'm coming from. I even sometimes just experience how my body 'walks', observing and breathing while getting towards my destination.

So sometimes, the best thing is to do is just go. Follow one step in front of the other and see where it takes you. I know it's not the answer to everything but I do promise that it will make everyone feel a little bit better.

The wee one

A Moodscope member.

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