Walking the Talk in Health.

1 Feb 2014

"It is difficult to bring people to goodness with lessons, but it is easy to do so by example." Seneca

The last 22 years (except one) has seen me deal with depression. Not just darkness, but pain and constant suicidal thoughts plus my first and last visit to a psychiatric ward.

During that time, I only ever found one 'expert' psychiatrist or psychologist that treated me as a person and not a patient. Chemicals have never worked for me, although I have taken them every time, to 'fit' with my last hope - the NHS.

Each time it has been something to 'move towards' than move 'away from', that has created life and hope again. This is why the above quote from the wise and ancient Seneca strikes a strong chord.

The NHS kept giving me lessons. Lessons on self respect - on sleeping habits - on CBT - on group therapy. Lessons which I'm sure work for some people - as the chemicals do for others. And yet I kept being given them, even after I explain they hadn't worked for me in 22 years!

What HAS worked for me, is when I was treated as a person - with care, love and compassion (CLC). One wonderful doctor modeled that CLC. She even gave me her email address and answered ANY email I sent within 24 hours, because she trusted me not to abuse this. This provided such support and hope, it enabled the breakthrough I had been seeking for 20 years. She gave me belief that I could get through and also helped me form an ongoing support group.

We need to make time and have the passion to truly walk the talk of health. It is the heart that heals not the head. The greatest and most sustainable change, is a change of heart.

Who can you help heal today by being there, being vulnerable and being open to what they need and not what you may want to give them?

You rarely remember what people said - you ALWAYS remember how they made you feel.


A Moodscope user.

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