
7 Aug 2023

“Watchoo-lookin-at?” was a phrase that rarely boded well when attending Sondes Place School for young thugs. The object of my accidental eye-contact was rarely inspiring, so I looked away… quickly! Little did I know that the aggressive challenge concealed within it a secret to great mental health and wellness. 

Everything we look at is a seed. A vast amount of our brain is dedicated to visual processing (more than half of our Cortex.)  If ‘seeing is believing’, so also it is a biological certainty that ‘seeing is feeling’. So, how would you like to feel today?

This blog came to me when attending the local village flower and produce show. The flowers and vegetables were beautiful (at least to me and the Judges!) I felt good looking at them. Supermarkets, allegedly, use this effect when they position fresh fruit and vegetables strategically to send a positive message.

A member of our congregation collects pictures – which are her pride and joy. Each picture has a story, and each story comes with a complex palette of emotions tailored from her experience.

Today, I’d like to pick ‘Joy’ as the feeling of choice. Seeing our grandchildren’s smiling faces brings joy to me. Watching a dog chasing a ball brings joy to me. Enjoying neighbours’ flower and vegetable displays delights my eyes. But this blog is about you, so how about you? What brings a sparkle to your eyes and makes your heart sing with joy when you see it?

Whatchoo-lookin-at promises to lead to Howyafeelin.  Let’s give it a go.


A Moodscope member

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