We’ll do it our way 

4 Sep 2021

May I start by saying thank you for the comments when I wrote last weekend. I was finding the week tough and, although I didn’t reply, I read every comment.  (I like to reply having felt the importance of receiving that when I was at the start of opening up about my depression.  I was simply under time pressure and then the moment was gone.) Most comments made me have a little eye leakage, I found them moving, and I felt comforted in the gentlest of ways. This is a precious community. And you gave me something to revisit through this week.   


It can take a bit of a leap of faith to write a blog, particularly to begin with. But I encourage you to consider it for a few reasons.  (1) it helps keep the 365-day supply high across the year (2) it shares with others your thoughts and feelings, and this helps us all feel more together in what can be a lonely battle (3) it can reassure and be inspiring and (4) it can be a form of therapy - emptying something out, giving you a line in the sand and maybe even a starting-again point. 


I used to write a batch of blogs when I was at a comfortable point to write (physically or mentally). I decided to challenge that to see if I could write weekly. It is a different ball game altogether, and I’m not sure I always feel comfortable with the quality of what I’ve produced, but it does make me check-in with myself more often. That is no bad thing.   


You helped me last week just as I needed a friend. I’m so grateful for this little place where we can find a pool of willingness to help, from near strangers. Your writing could help others and it could help you. If you don’t know where to start, think of what you’d like the ending to be, the message, then work back from there. This works in general as well as blogs! 


Love from

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member.

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