What are you thinking about right now?

1 Dec 2023

I wonder have you asked someone what they are thinking about, and they say “Oh, nothing or not much.

I am always thinking, overthinking most of the time even when asleep. I find it hard to believe a person could be thinking about nothing.

Right now, I am thinking about what else I will write on this blog. Will anyone comment. Is it a silly topic. I need to go to bed soon, and I have many things to do so I am prepared in the morning. Do I eat too much chocolate?

This is just a fraction of all the thoughts going around in my head.

I am interested in what you are thinking.

It can be short or long, funny, serious, trivial, or important. Just write what you are thinking without editing.

So, what are you thinking about right now?


A Moodscope member

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