What can’t you live without, or can you?

10 Jan 2025

This week we had an electrical thunderstorm that caused the Wi-Fi not to work. Three days and nights without the internet and I have my fingers crossed so I can finish the blog and send it off without me pulling my hair out or getting mad at the computer!!

I have had the internet in my life for about 25 years and now I am very dependent on it for research, news, music, communication with friends and family near and far. I have found these last few days so frustrating. I still read books but I rely on the internet for many things and maybe am addicted to it.

The question is, can I live without the internet, yes I can but I choose not to.

So what can’t you live without, not a person or food or a pet etc?

I want to know what you have trouble living without, what is something you use a lot each day and something that you miss when you don’t have it.

Can you please share something serious or funny that you cannot live without. Or maybe you can if you have to.


A Moodscope member

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