What colour are you?

15 Jul 2017

I am blue. Blue is often used to describe mood. The implication is that you feel low and despondent. (I have felt like that recently).

I am a navy blue, which is what a British navy officer's uniform would be. French navy is a different shade of blue. It isn't a wispy-washy faded blue, but darker. Sometimes the sea is this colour, a rich, dark hue.

The pop-group, The Moody Blues, used the colour to give an impression of the moody music they created. A classification of popular music is The Blues, a type of jazz-rock?

Navy blue eyes are rarely spoken of, but perhaps it denotes a deep blue colour, which could turn grey under certain mood changes.

I am contented to have been made this deep, rich blue. Contentment and self-acceptance go together. I am always aiming at the latter as it is a good springing-board towards energy and growth.

I am already beginning to feel the upsurge of energy as I reflect on these thoughts.


A Moodscope member.

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