What did the Moodscope Research say?

20 Mar 2018

You recently received a survey asking for your views of Moodscope. We thought you might like to know what the findings were. We had a great response, so thank you.

The results told us that our members are very loyal once they find us, with the vast majority staying for over 2 years and most never leaving. Growth has been slow and steady with the biggest number joining following personal recommendations.

Users value three aspects of Moodscope highly and equally - getting a handle on their mood, the daily messages and being part of our community. Over 25% take the test regularly with others taking it occasionally and most glad it is there when needed.

Moodscope seems to genuinely help people in many positive ways - a few of which are captured in italics below. The biggest improvements requested were to make Moodscope available as a phone App (61%) and to list other user ideas, advice, tips, experiences in different catagories (42%).

Recognising that Moodscope cannot always be free, some people said they would be prepared to pay a small fee and 52% of people thought it was a good idea to start a crowdfunding campaign so that other people in need could be offered the improved service.

We know that around 25% of the population suffer from anxiety and depression and we know from our findings that Moodscope can make a big difference to their world. We are determined to help, but running Moodscope on a voluntary basis and on our savings cannot be sustained.

It will take time and money to run a successful crowdfunding campaign. So we are appealing for contributions to help us plan and develop the campaign. If you'd like to make a contribution, please click here: http://bit.ly/2DGmdeh

Any contributions will really help, but the greatest ongoing help would be if MoodscopeLite members upgraded to MoodscopePlus. To find out more about the benefits and extra features of MoodscopePlus, please click here: http://bit.ly/2poMNnT

It became clear from the research that many members, because of their mental health issues, have times when they can't work and therefore can't afford to pay for Moodscope, so if you are in a position to subscribe you will be helping us to help them and please be reassured that we will invest all funds we receive in to providing the service to those who currently can't afford it.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Kind regards.

The Moodscope team.

'It's an anchor. I can begin to anchor the fluctuating state of my mind, notice and understand it, including some of the triggers for the fluctuations. I also value the wisdom and warm support of the people who write and comment on the blog posts.'

'I think it's a resource that makes people feel less powerless. I recommend it to people all the time and am constantly amazed at what a difference it makes to people (a friend of mine is using it to help her survive the low mood that comes with giving up smoking!). The blogs are really helpful'

'The score can make me take some action instead of sinking even lower. It is also good to see my score rising. The daily blog is interesting and keeps me in touch with others like me. This is so important as depression is an isolating condition and it reminds me that I am not alone.'

'The card system helps me stop and "listen" and "feel" how I have been feeling inside over the day. It let's me evaluate and rationalise better where I am on my mood continuum. I have felt so alone for so much of my life. In Moodscope I have met a whole city of people who I can fit in amongst. It doesn't cure the problems I live with, but it makes them a lot easier to live with, cope with and accept.'

'It's been a lifeline - analysing my moods, giving me a routine to get me through the day on the low days and also confirming my emotional state on my better days. I can track how far I have travelled and, importantly, I am not on my own now thanks to Moodscope.'

'Moodscope has actually allowed me to recover (for now at least).'

'Invaluable lifeline. Imperial evidence for health professionals. A platform of understanding my condition. Feeling not alone anymore.'

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

Moodscope members seek to support each other by sharing their experiences through this blog. Posts and comments on the blog are the personal views of Moodscope members, they are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice.

Email us at support@moodscope.com to submit your own blog post!


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