What did you think you would be doing in 2021?

31 Dec 2021

“The furthest distance is from how it is to how you thought it would be.” I heard this quote in a movie recently and it just resonated with me so much for me and I think it may for others.

How often have we imagined how our lives maybe at a certain age, or at the end of the year, imagining what we would be doing in one or a few years time.


When I was younger, I never thought I would marry and have children, I was going to be an academic and then change the world. I had 3 children and never had an academic career. Three years ago, on NYE I thought in 2021 I would be still in Mogo with my  shop and living my dream life. I never imagined I would have to move away and look for a new community.

Our future maybe so different from what we thought it was going to be.

So, on this NYE what did you imagine in the past you would be doing now in 2021. Is there a big difference to your reality now?

When you were at school did you imagine what career, you would have. Is it close to what you do now?


A Moodscope member.

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