What do pets mean to you?

20 Feb 2025

I have a problem owning a cat and a dog. It feels to me that they always want or need something that, sometimes, I am unable to easily supply. There are days when I feel constantly pressured from the time I wake up. If I speak to my OH, the dog takes it that I am awake, so must get up and go down to give him breakfast. I often throw his kibbles on the lawn, as the vet said this enables him to forage. However, while I am getting the kibble from the cupboard, the dog will sit outside the door and whine for his food. I cannot seem to stop him from doing this. If I lived next door it would drive me barmy. Poor neighbours.

But, even if I give him his morning meal in the utility, he will still squeal outside the back door until I call him in. I should add that he is small enough to fit through a large cat flap, so comes and goes as he pleases. If I shut him in the utility with me he still cannot sit quietly while I prepare his meal.

When I first composed this blog it was October and I only had a few more days of being able to go to my outdoor pool. I was packing up my swimming bag, but the dog, having eaten his breakfast, was standing behind me looking expectant - for a game? a walk?

I decided to load the washing machine before going out - he stood there looking at me, often he fetches a toy and drops it at my feet, to tempt me to play. I get a tight knot in my stomach and want to shout at him.

The cat stands on ‘her’ counter in the utility and shouts at me, even though there is food in her bowl - what does she want?

Later I sit down to have breakfast, do my Moodscope score, the Wordle, check emails, but she squeezes onto my lap between me and the table.

After an active morning I sit down to a cup of tea and do a crossword- immediately she demands a lap, which could be calming, but it is hard to balance the newspaper or my iPad when she is on my lap and I can’t easily shift position. Then the dog decides it is time for a game and looks pleadingly up at me. All I want is a cup of tea and some ‘me’ time. 🤯

This morning I took the dog on the recreation ground. We found a football abandoned in the hedge and he had a wonderful time playing with it. But, when it came time to go home, he kept himself out of reach with that ‘I haven’t finished this game yet’ look on his face.

I had an appointment to go to and was angry again that he would not let me get on with my life.

In between times we get along fine and I like having a dog, but I just do not feel I have the patience I ought to have and don’t get the pleasure I could have.

I have ended up typing this late in the evening and he is staring at me with the ‘When are you going to bed?’ look. Back comes the knot in the stomach and the feeling that I want to scream.

Rant over. How do you get on with your pets, if you are a pet owner? I know several people on here have said they prefer pets to people.


Another Sally xx

A Moodscope member

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