What do You think?

28 Jan 2017

I just have to say that I love Moodscope! I love the sense of community and the warm and supportive atmosphere here. I'm a longtime user, and although I don't say much, I dearly value everyone's voice. Such great wisdom is shared here! I feel like I know some of you by your offerings, and I must say you are all a special lot. I have even envisioned what resplendent music we could make together... hint, hint I'm on drums :-). Now as brilliant as that sounds, I have never felt especially creative. I certainly never imagined myself writing a blog...

I certainly never imagined myself writing a blog until I needed some help.

Here's my background: I live in the United States, in the beautiful state of Colorado. My lovely city experienced, within a matter of hours, two really horrific crimes. My community was stunned, and many were in shock and grief. The Public Safety (Police) Chief realized we needed to unite while processing the events and held a public forum. Taking tragedy and using it for good inspired the Chief to make discussing mental health a priority.

As a result I am now working on an anti-stigma campaign. I will be meeting with the marketing company that has been hired to promote this campaign, and I want to give valuable input. That's where your help comes in...

One of the proposed tag lines for the anti-stigma campaign is "It's Okay".

I think for sufferers: "It's Okay" to tell your problems to friends and family.

And I think for supporters: "It's Okay" to just listen.

So, what would you say/show to someone who is suffering, to say that "It's Okay"? What about supporters? Is my interpretation too literal? I know you are a creative and resourceful group. How would you represent "It's Okay"?

I want to change the phrase "anti-stigma" to something more positive. What would you call the campaign that has a positive twist? What do You think?

I'd be so grateful for your thoughts.

Many thanks and much love


A Moodscope member.

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