What does it rob you of? And some other questions...

21 Dec 2019

I've been thinking about this lately, what does depression rob my life of? One word that comes to mind is 'Joy'. It robs me of joy in the conversations I currently have with people, joy in the efforts I put into my self-improvement, joy in my day to day activities, joy in my family life and close relationships, joy in just being 'me' and being okay with that.

So yes it robs me of a lot of 'Joy'. I know life is not easy (I'm not that naive) and at times it will be difficult but this feeling of being a constant failure in everything I do is hurting my chances of being the person I want to be and surely this is not how life should be...??

Had a conversation at work about performance, all good... nothing to be concerned about! You are doing a great job! Then why the hell do I feel miserable most of the time? I just don't get it! And the most depressing thing is, it's probably all in my head... it's sad.

So what does your depression/mental illness rob you of?

Another major worry is concentration, it doesn't seem to be there anymore which again causes anxiety and confusion etc, which again leads to feeling worse about myself... do you experience or have experienced this before?

I have another question, do you think after a long period of time on medication, the effect is not longer there (i.e. your body gets tolerant to the medication) and you just get the horrible side effects (i.e. your depression seems worse.) Has anybody experienced this and what did you do about it? Does a change to a different type of medication help?

A lot of questions I know but interested in everybody's thoughts/experiences.

Kind Regards,


A Moodscope member.

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