What have you done today to make you feel proud?

13 Jan 2025

We have an uncomfortable relationship with the word ‘Proud’ don’t we? As soon as it slips into the territory of arrogance, it’s universally revolting! Together with ‘Pride’, it conjures up images of huffy, distant, superior people who don’t need anyone’s help. Or, if you’re very lucky, an image of Mr Darcy ascending from the lake…

The Moodscope Test use of ‘Proud’ is 100% positive: feeling a sense of achievement.

In the song, “Proud,” by Heather Small and Peter John Vettese, the lyrics give us the title for today’s blog, “What have you done today to make you feel proud?”

The song could be an anthem for this Moodscope card. Let’s dig into some of the suggestions the lyrics highlight.

“Reflections of the fears I know I've left behind”

We can be proud about any fears we’ve faced, conquered, outgrown, overcome. Which fears have you conquered?

“I step out of the ordinary”

‘Extraordinary’ is by definition outside, above, and beyond the ordinary. We should be proud of being ourselves and not bowing to mediocrity. When I am old, I shall wear purple, and learn to spit!

“You could be so many people

If you make that break for freedom”

The quest to find our true identity is one of the three great quests in Life. Making that break for freedom came up in multiple blogs in 2024 as Moodscope writers declared how they had broken free of relationships and beliefs and circumstances and jobs that restricted their freedom and self-expression. I want to break free, do you?

“Still so many answers I don't know

Realize that to question is how we'll grow”

Finally, from the song, we can be proud of our willingness to question… anything and everything. Freedom of thought, freedom to question, freedom to speak – are all achievements to be proud of.

When have you stood up for yourself? When have you shown that you’re a free-thinker? When have you spoken out in a way that you are proud of? Did you burn your confining and defining underwear? Did you march for some cause?

What have you done today to make you feel proud?

What could you do today to make you feel proud?

Share it out loud.


A Moodscope member

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