What helps you?

16 Oct 2017

In my blog "Go with the Flow Part 1" on 19th September 2017, Daisy kindly pointed me in the direction of eannegram. This isn't a blog about eannegram itself, which I have found really helpful in understanding some of my behaviours and those of my alcoholic sister. (Nor is it another blog about my sister.)

It has reminded me that there is so much wisdom, advice and support out there – whether from websites, books, family and friends, professionals, peer groups... the list is endless! It got me revisiting the books and resources I have acquired over the years, all of which helped me at different stages and in different ways.

So, lovely Moodscopers, today I invite you to choose one thing (just one!) that helped you in the past, and maybe is currently helping you or could help you at the moment. Let's share our experience and create a list which everyone can refer to when moods dip and times are tough. Let's see how long a list we can produce... Oh, and of course Moodscope is at the top so no-one can mention it again!

I suggest we don't repeat any resource; only one per Moodscoper – though we can "reply" to another person's suggestion: it will be interesting to see if some resources are more popular than others.

Mine is Louise Hay "You can heal your life" – which taught me so much about the negative thought patterns in our minds, and the power of affirmations to turn things around.

Your turn!


A Moodscope member.

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