What I learnt from my shop.

18 May 2018

People often write about what pearls of wisdom they have learnt from school, university, famous people, famous books, philosophy and travelling. I was thinking what I have learnt from my shop.

I have learnt:

# That if a child does not behave before they come into my shop they will not instantly start to behave the moment they enter the shop.

# That nearly every customer is an expert in retail and are very keen to share their expertise.

# That not only do customers expect me to have read every book in my shop but to have read or least know the title of every book ever published.

# That if you give a toddler one of our teddy bears as they enter shop and expect them to give it up when leaving the shop, there will be tears and tantrums, and the toddler will be upset too.

# That people will say in loud voices negative things about my shop, just ignoring me.

# That people will assume all I do all day is read books and say how they wished they had a booksshop so they could read all day.

I am thinking you will have learnt something from your work, your garden, volunteering, public transport and many other places where by simply observing you will have learnt something interesting.

So please share what knowledge you have gained and where you have gained it from?

Can be simple or profound or both.


A Moodscope member.

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