What is confidence?

23 Feb 2018

I feel that everyone else seems more confidence than I am.

There are people who seem to effortlessly exude confidence like sunscreen oozing out of a tube. They seem to go through life knowing what to do and knowing that all their choices are correct. I call them the confident tribe.

I am not one of them. I am in the tribe of worriers from long ago. I come from a long line of worriers. We all worry about everything, we have no confidence we second guess all of our decisions.

In life people like confident people. People want to be around, to be friends with and to love confident people. Nobody says I wish I had a partner who is nervous and worries. People want someone who knows what they are doing, who knows their value and worth. Nobody wants to be around a nervous person who is so unsure of what they want.

I want to join, I want to be one of those people - The confident tribe - join those men and women who take big steps in life who don't seem to have ever worried once about anything. I wonder, can anyone join the confident tribe? I do not think so. To me it is a very elitist and unattainable tribe. These confident people seem like they come from a far away planet.

They are not like many people I know but they have something that everyone wants. Ask anyone what they would like to change and they'd say, be more confident. It seems everyone wants to be more confident.

I have no idea what that feels like. Even writing this I feel like this is a silly topic. Why did I pick this topic? Can other people relate to this topic?

I don't think anyone has ever called me confident in my life. I think of a list of adjectives to describe me and confident is not on the list.

My school reports described me as nervous and unusual.

I know this person who I would think was a chief in the confident tribe but she tells me that she has just been pretending for years and she often has little confidence.

Honestly, I am not sure if I believe her because I would not have the confidence to pretend to be confident.

So what do you think. Is there a confident tribe or is it just full of people pretending to be confident?

When do you feel confident or have other people called you confident?


A Moodscope member.

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