If one complains or is critical, one is pointing out what was wrong. If one comments one is noticing some behaviour or situation.
So, is it a matter of subjective definition? Most people will say they don’t complain they are simply noticing something.
In my experience, my observations are often seen as complaints while other people insist that I have misinterpreted their complaints as they are simply comments.
Both words are examining something but suggest different emotions. So, there are different results.
What do we get from complaining? Often, we don’t get what we want - a change, so we become even more discontent.
Sometimes people keep complaining about the same thing so they can be heard but get frustrated when nothing changes.
Maybe if we are telling our feedback to someone in customer service or retail things may change but usually, they don’t.
If we notice more and complain less, will our relationships be easier?
The real art of handling a situation comes when we observe with no emotions. Is this even possible? I have emotion in everything I do. So maybe that is why my observations are seen as complaints as they have too much emotion.
What is difference between a complaint and a comment you feel is helpful feedback?
How do you feel when someone has complained about you but say it was only an observation?
A Moodscope member.
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