What lights your fire?

1 Sep 2014

I am currently reading "The Power of Now: a guide to spiritual enlightenment" by Eckhart Tolle. The book focuses on the benefits of living just in the present moment rather than the past or the future. I have a tendency to dwell on the past and worry about decisions I have made, and am learning that this way of thinking is preventing me from experiencing the present moment.

Recently my mood plummeted and my fabulous Moodscope buddy was straight there offering her support. I found this invaluable in getting through and lifting myself from the dip in mood. At the same time, I came across an analogy in the book that I related to.

Imagine your strength is a log that is burning. Without fuel the flame will eventually die out. Add fuel and the flame will burn stronger and brighter. This led me to reflect on my Moodscope scores from the past and try to identify what makes my flame burn bright and what works to put it out. Consequently, I now have a list of resources that I can dip in to to help fuel my flame and a list of flame dampeners that I need to protect myself from.

This helps me to see that I can take positive action to improve my mood and that, if the flame starts to fade I can hopefully catch it in time before it flickers out completely!!

Kind regards


A Moodscope member.

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