What Other People Think

4 Jul 2018

This is something I've struggled with.

I know why, I'm just not sure how to go about changing it.

I have some ideas about what I could tell myself that may help, but it seems like a big part of who I am. Maybe that's the problem. It's not who I am! :)

Having had a parent with anxiety and depression, as children, we were forced to take it all on board. I think that's why I'm hypersensitive to others feelings, moods, intentions and potential signs of how they are thinking. This leads to worry about their next or future actions. I'm sometimes right. It's no wonder I have been so anxious. It's like self preservation, (but it's important to note that it's not) I feel that I am able to read people well


When I know someone well, I can think I know how they are thinking, but I may be wrong.

I can also assume they know how I am thinking and be wrong about that too. So when it comes to acquaintances, it's even less likely that I'll know what they're thinking. Often they're not! :))

Oh and then there's the "What ifs" that creep in. "What if she thought that I meant...".

Someone once said to me that I would never know what the other people in the room were all thinking so don't bother about it.

Does anyone know of ways to change this pattern of worry?

It's not healthy to be on high alert for potential threat from others. I feel exhausted just writing about it! :)

Sometimes it's ok to just chill out! In fact, that's what I'll treat myself to today :)

Wishing a wonderful worry free day to us all, lovely!

Love and Light

LP xx

A Moodscope member.

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