What path are you on...or are you lost in 'busyness'.

1 Dec 2013

"A wise man does not use knowledge (IQ) to select his direction, but will on occasions use it to guide him on that path."

This is the wonderful Stephen Covey's phrase 'Compass before Clock'.

This means that the direction you are travelling in, is FAR more important than the time it takes to get there.

And at times we are so driven by thinking about time frames and destination, that all too often we forget that there is a bigger picture.

We need to step out of the frame to see the whole picture.

Life is about how we find a way forward together – re-read the quote - we need to know how to live first, how to get along, how to build on our strengths and then, THEN....work out how to get there.

As Stephen so eloquently put it in his world best selling business book 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People'...Habit 2 - 'Start with the end in mind'.

All too often we go for short term wins and supposed 'success' which takes us totally off track.

Where is your life going? Because if you do not know...other people will CONSTANTLY influence it.

We create the lives that we can see...what do you see?

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