What we look for we find...

27 Apr 2016

I noticed in a comment in one of this week's blogs, that a person used that is what I would call 'away from' language.

This is where someone will say or write something like 'I strive to avoid x' or 'I never want to do y'.

The brain of course does not compute the 'negative'.

It's like my ex-wife saying to the kids as they walk along a narrow wall – "Now watch and not fall off" seeking to protect them, which was more about her own protection of insecurity.

All she did though, is place into their heads the thought of falling off (thus ensuring they continue to 'carry' her own insecure life).

They then fall off – and she says "Told you so" and the child's self-esteem takes another tumble!

In the same situation I would probably say "Now keep your focus, look at the end of the wall and you'll make it."

The child then usually completes the wall walk and grows in self-esteem and self-belief.

So what do you want to move towards – not what do you want to move away from?

If you place in your mind the 'move towards', your subconscious will seek that out and you will more than likely then succeed.

If you place into your mind what you want to move away from – what are you thinking about? The very thing you want to move away from!!! (Don't think about the pink elephant...)

If you want to alter your life or habits more effectively – focus on what you want and NOT what you do not want.

What we look for – we find.

It's how our brain works, and the beauty is, you ARE the programmer.

If you want to see joy – look for it - don't look for less pain - or you'll find more pain.

Don't - want to lose weight - want to be slimmer.

WE create the world's WE live in.

What 'filter' are you putting in the front of your mind today which means it's the same for your eyes and thus your life?


A Moodscope member.

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