What would (insert name of famous person) do in a certain situation is a series of fascinating books about a famous person and how they can help us in day-to-day lives or make big decisions.
Some examples of people in these books.
What would Jane Austen do ?
What would Elvis do?
What would Freda Kahlo do?
What would Florence Nightingale do?
What would Gandhi do?
Now while it is interesting to see how historical figures maybe would offer advice or react in a challenging situation, I wonder about people we know who are not famous but whose advice is welcome and supportive.
So put on your thinking caps and think about a famous person whose ideas you would like to apply to your life.
Also think about someone you know in your family, your work, your friendship group qhose advice you have used or would like to apply to your life.
It can be serious, light-hearted or both.
I have a collection of What would (insert name here) do? I find it a fascinating way to learn about a famous person’s life and to help me.
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