What would you do?

17 Jun 2018

If I were standing in front of you and told you that if you gave me £5/$6.60 we could make someone who is suffering from depression’s life a little easier would you give it to me?

I’m sure you would as you understand how awful it can be to suffer with a mental health issue, and what little help is available.

If every person reading this email donated just £5/$6.60 to Moodscope today we would reach our crowdfunding target tomorrow!

We are hoping to raise £50,000/$66,340 to develop and launch an App version of our online service, make all the wonderful blogs and comments by members easily searchable and to reach out and offer Moodscope to the millions who need it.

So far we have raised £9,946/$13,203 from 137 early contributors which is fantastic and I’d like to personally thank everyone who has donated.

It only takes a couple of minutes to donate:

To donate by card: https://bit.ly/2JcDkMm

To donate by Paypal: https://bit.ly/2kRad2F

Thank you on behalf of the many who will benefit from your generosity.

Kind regards.


The Moodscope Team

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

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