What’s in your Mood diary?

21 Feb 2023

I started using Moodscope many years ago while having a few weeks off work for stress. After a short while I stopped using it but came back to it after my mother died. Naturally my mood was very low at the time but I could appreciate how it gradually improved until I was getting my scores into the 60s again. In those days I didn’t add notes to my graph or always read the blogs but now I try to do my score every day and add a note so I can tell what causes dips or highs.

Each day I start my notes with three things – The time, the weather and the day of the week, as I feel each of these has a bearing on my scores.

I have noticed that when I do the test later in the day, I tend to score higher. I have already accomplished some things, rather than facing getting up and on at the start of the day.

I think we all know we tend to feel better if the sun is shining. So many days in the last few months my comments have been ‘grey’,’ grey again’ and ‘yet more grey’. Does this affect my score? You bet. I don’t feel very excited or enthusiastic if it is dull or raining outside. But a lovely sunny day holds promise of pleasant walks or even just pottering in the garden, both of which will help the score.

Finally the day. Pre-covid I had regular items on different days. Volunteering, visiting friends, meeting friends for a walk. During covid, most days were more or less the same but there were still differences, especially at the weekend, which could affect my scoring. Now I am more or less back to routine so I know I will be volunteering Monday, attending a social afternoon at Church Tuesday, both of which will also increase my score,

So when I review my chart for highs and lows, I can read the notes and take these into account as well as the actual number. 

Do you have anything in particular you record regularly? Does it help?


A Moodscope member

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