What's your favorite?

3 Aug 2013

As a personal historian, I am passionately interested in people's life stories. I've discovered that we all have stories, but we are too busy with daily demands to explore within ourselves (or others close to us) even the simplest subjects.

For most of us, the chances are slim that anyone has ever asked you: "What is your favorite color?"

A person's life story is more than genealogy: "I went to this college, I had that job...," it reveals a person's 'insides'...what they think, feel and passions that move them. The inner life particulars matter more than the 'resume' material of our lives.

However, it isn't necessary to meet a personal historian to begin examining your inner life. I encourage you to purchase a journal that has built in life journey questions or an 'empty journal'.

If you don't feel 'skilled enough' to explore these issues‚ if your journal becomes a dust magnet rather than the invaluable tool it has the potential of becoming, ask a friend to interview you. The experience will touch you deeply. In addition to the journaling process creating a feeling of fulfillment, it can be fun...akin to supping tea with a friend.

By recording your life experiences, your children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren will be able to see the past through your eyes. The lessons you express will become their model for living‚ for seizing opportunities and overcoming hardships.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to begin journaling. Just as your own life story journal will give you the opportunity to be 'heard', it will also afford you the potential of settling possible struggles remaining in your life.

Finally, you'll have the honor of leaving behind a legacy to your loved ones...a gift treasured more deeply than material goods.

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

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