When All Else Fails…

22 Jul 2024

“Fascinating!” was the regular response from Mr Spock in just about every episode of the Classic series of ‘Star Trek’.  When all else had failed and the ‘USS Enterprise’ and her crew was in great danger once again, his logical response was to find the scenario fascinating.  At the core of his being, Spock was curious.

And from that core of curiosity, some solution would emerge and save the day.

Friends may fail you. Family may fail you. Health can fail. Wealth can fail. Faith can fail. Sometimes all of them seem to fail at once. What do you have left when all else fails? Some of us have lost everything and yet we have remained. After life’s setbacks, some of them of the cruellest nature, we remain. When all else fails and all that remains is you or I – what do we discover? Who do we discover?

Do we remain curious like Spock, and thus open to surprising solutions? Who am I when all I have is me? What word would describe the essential ‘you’?

Depeche Mode write many deeply significant songs. In ‘Stripped’ (and I believe there is no negative connotation here), “Let me hear you make decisions, Without your television…”  Strip away unchallenged culture and the unexamined life and what remains must define us. “I think, therefore I am; I feel…”?


A Moodscope member

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