Where do I belong?

10 Oct 2024

This is another question from the book of six questions that can change your life that I mentioned in an earlier blog.

The previous questions I have discussed were ‘Who am l?’ and ‘How can I be true to myself?’ 

There is a difference between asking what your position is and asking where do you belong. When people are asked what is your position, they usually talk about their paid work or a stay at home mum, or they’re retired.

Probably when the question ‘What is my position?’ is asked we tend to identify with work. This puts us in a pecking order, as traditionally some positions have a higher status than others.

The question ‘Where do I belong?’ makes us think of some place we feel connected to and a connection to loved ones. Sometimes a specific town or place, ocean, mountain and sometimes it can be a circle of friends or the tribe people where we can be ourselves and feel safe.

For me, I never felt I belonged. I felt different to everybody, felt a bit like a chameleon ready to change my colours to fit in with the people I was with. Then I moved to the coast and opened up my bookshop and gift shop and magical shop as my young cousin’s children called it.

It was magical for the first time. I belonged, I created a place where I felt totally safe and totally connected to the shop. I was in charge, I was creative, I felt people valued my shop.

Moodscopers, how would you answer the question ‘Where do I belong?’ What does belonging mean to you? Has it changed over your life time? Is a feeling of belonging important to you? 


A Moodscope member

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