Where your attention goes... grows

9 Sep 2019

I've had some spectacular losses over the years, where to start? There's at least a dozen blogs in the tales of my losses alone, but I've also had some heart-warming gains, although I realise that I didn't necessarily recognise it and appreciate it at the time, but I do now and that's all that matters.

So if 'where your attention goes, grows' – and I believe it does, I am not going to recount the tales of woe and loss, instead I am going to acknowledge and celebrate the priceless and touching gains that I've generously received; the caring friendships that I have been blessed with. Kindness freely given to me when it was really needed. Support that got me through a difficult period. The listening ear that helped me see a different perspective (yes, I know, ears hear and eyes see, but you know what I mean). The patient professional that listened without judgement while I recounted my losses, my fears, my pain, my hurt, and yes my anger. The strangers who shared their stories with me and allowed me to walk with them in silence and companionship. And let's not forget nature herself which has pretty much taught me everything without saying a word, but just by 'being'.

I am slowly understanding that going it alone is not always the best, or the only way to travel. It has its advantages for sure, some of the time, but there is also great value and depth in travelling with others, literally or metaphorically. Who wants to pay the single supplement anyway? (Albeit a totally unjustified charge in my opinion!).

I shall leave the question hanging therefore, as to what do you want to pay attention to and see grow and flourish?


A Moodscope member.

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