Who Am I?

26 Jul 2020

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Who am I when I am




Who am I, Sir?

I am ME, that is who I am!

I am a Writer.

The same Writer who wrote

When times were fair

That same Writer that was there

Is within me now -

(Though full of care.)

I write, therefore I am;

I write because I (still) can.

Who am I when I am




Who am I, Ma’am?

I am ME, that is who I am!

I am a Master of Imagination.

With the power of thought

I create new worlds

And populate them with kind and thoughtful folks;

Folks, who do not rip each other off

Nor do they rip one another apart.

A Kingdom of Kindness, I create

And hope to live there

Before it becomes too late.

Who am I when I am




Who am I, Dear Reader?

I am ME, that is who I am!

I am never powerless

For my power is the power of the pen

To write all wrongs!

To awaken the Sleepers to the dangers

Bashing at the Gates

For sleeping, they so meekly

Lay aside dear freedoms…

Dear freedoms, dearly bought.

I am never penniless for I have the vast wealth

Of the imagination - with which I create wealth

For those who value free thinking!

For those who value free speech!

My life is never pointless

While I have breath left to make my point

And when those points resonate

With other powerless, penniless, pointless souls

We will stir one another up

To great and courageous Works

And Art

That will free the mind

Liberate the soul

Loose the spirit

If only our own.

Who are you, Dear Soul, when you are




Tell me

For I long to hear

Of your inner thirst

And hunger.

I will tell you who you are not.

You are not someone defined by purchased power

You are not defined by the wealth of banks

Nor are you vindicated by the opinion of others

Who have not walked an inch in your shoes…

Let alone a mile.

You are YOU

And that is enough

For ME.

One who has a friend

Has MUCH wealth, power, and purpose.


A Moodscope member.

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