Who do you call?

2 May 2024

About a week ago I was upset by something that happened, I won't go into the details, but I needed to talk to someone. I was crying a lot and decided to scroll through my contacts list on my mobile phone. It was about 6pm so I couldn’t call family with young children.

I would look at a name and think they would be supportive but I knew that they had more serious problems so I could not ring them. Other people I didn’t feel I wanted to appear vulnerable to them even though they may have listened.

There were people who I would not consider for an unexpected call that may involve crying and some mumbling.

There were two people who I was going to ring but by this time I wasn’t crying and the need to phone had passed.

I thought sometimes just knowing you could call someone when you are low is enough without phoning them.

I was wondering if you have people you can ring or drop around to at any time if you need support? Or would you not consider contacting others like that?

Are you there for some people no matter what the time or the reason?

Do you feel like me knowing you have someone you can depend on is as comforting as calling them?

When you are feeling terribly upset who are you going to call and why?


A Moodscope member

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