Who's your hero?

16 Apr 2017

The cult of celebrity is alive and well. Do you admire the skills and strengths of anyone in particular? I'm not sure that the rich and famous are all that different to me and you - the living creature that I have found most inspiring in the last decade or so is Bob, Bob the goldfish.

When I first moved in with my ex, Bob was already there - almost invisible in the pea-soup water of his spherical goldfish bowl. Years and years we had Bob. It was his stoicism I really admired. No matter what, he would carry on, through opaque water or through clear. Never giving up - he truly was an inspiration!

Celebrities - pah! Sure, they have talents (don't we all?) I'm sure they work hard (don't we all?) They have got lucky, been recognised and praised for their talents. Good for them.

The people I really admire are those battling on when the odds are stacked against them.

There was an addict on the television the other day, not yet fully recovered, still having to battle every single day, now HIM I do admire. And then there's US, all the people that log on to Moodscope to measure our state of mind or read/comment on the blogs and support each other. I admire US, the unseen, unsung heroes.

Maybe we admire what we need the most? And I just need to keep going. My greatest achievement is that I am still here. I have nothing to show for myself but I am so proud of what I have achieved (still here!)

So who's your hero? If mine is Bob and all the unseen "ordinary" folk out there, who do YOU admire and why? Is it because they display strengths and skills that YOU really need and would like (or have!)?

You may not have achieved fame and fortune, but I admire YOU for your tenacity, day after day. Keep it up. Well done!


A Moodscope member.

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