Why don't you smile?

17 Feb 2017

I was reading some catalogues in my shop when a customer said to me , "It can't be that bad, smile". I tend to have a serious face when I am reading or thinking but why does a complete stranger feel they have the right to comment on my facial gestures.

For all they know a friend may have died, I may have found out I have a serious illness or maybe that I am just thinking and don't see a need to smile.

If this was the only time someone had said this that might be ok but I do get people commenting quite regularly. If you want me to smile do not tell me to, as this will make me frown!

In case you think I am Oscar the grouch's cousin or am grumpy - I do smile and laugh when I feel it is appropriate. I just don't like someone, especially a stranger telling me when I should smile.

I wonder why in the last ten to twenty years people feel they have right to ask strangers to smile. Is it part of the "Everyone must be happy' movement?

I do think a lot and I don't smile while I am thinking.

A young friend was dancing at a family gathering when a friend of the family came up and told her she would look much more attractive if she smiled! My friend was so surprised she did not reply. What would you do if someone said that to you?

Have you ever had anyone ask you to smile?

How did that make you feel?

Are you someone that comments to another about their lack of a smile?

Can you explain why you do that and if it helps?


A Moodscope member.

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