Why isn't mental health taken more seriously?

2 Nov 2018

It may be 2018, but the level of stigma that those with mental health issues face still shockingly remains at an all-time high.

Considering that 1 in 4 people in the UK will suffer with some sort of mental health problem at some point in their lives, it seems bewildering to say the least that the judgement and adversities that mental health sufferers continue to face is still so prominent. Not to mention the overwhelming and increasing pressure so many people face today to 'fit in' with ever-changing societal norms, as well as the fact that there's a monumental strain on the resources and services available to mental health sufferers.

It can often feel like there's nowhere to turn, and that the weight of the problem makes things seem even more hopeless than they already are. It's frustrating to think that still, even today, mental health is striving to be taken as seriously as physical and educational welfare. A person's mental health is arguably even more pivotal to the human existence than physical health.

As important as it is to maintain physical wellbeing, arguably one's mental health can deteriorate much faster, and cause much longer-lasting damage if it is neglected or detrimented than, say, not taking part in regular physical exercise from an early age - so why isn't mental health taken more seriously?

It's a prevalent question whose debate will most likely continue for an indeterminate amount of time yet. Ignorance breeds ignorance, and fear; people will continue to fear and ignore what they don't understand. Despite this, it's important that in the meantime, more is done to put a stop to the stigma and the negligence of poor mental health, starting with wider acceptance and awareness.


A Moodscope member.

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