Why volunteer?

23 Jul 2018

A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend who had retired and I asked did she do any volunteering as most retired people I know enjoy volunteering.

My friend explained how she was busy with her hobbies and her grandchildren and had not time or desire to volunteer and had never volunteered in her life and so wanted to know why she should start now.

I know there has been research that volunteering can help people feel better about themselves. As well as helping others research shows that volunteering can help others and also can help you reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose.

Some people find volunteering to be stressful and not helpful. I volunteered for one organisation years ago and while I liked what I was doing, the way I was treated by the organisation upset me. As I was unpaid I was not treated with respect and I was never shown any appreciation for what I did.

I was surprised when my friend said she was not volunteering because in my family I was encouraged to volunteer and give and raise money for charity from when I was a very young age. So volunteering has always been part of my life but it has not always been a pleasant experience.

I want to know what moodscopers think about volunteering?

Is it part of your life if so does it help you or has it been difficult?

I would like to hear from people who do not volunteer and have they felt pressure to volunteer.


A Moodscope member

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