Wildlife and wellbeing.

16 Aug 2013

I had it in mind to write a post about wildlife being good for the wellbeing. So it was of no little interest to turn the radio on and discover that a discussion was in flow as to whether it is our moral duty to be more aware of our surroundings, in particular, that of bird life.

It was heartening to hear the callers and comments who expressed a love of, and appreciation for nature.

I'm drawn to such people. They may not be an expert in ornithology or botany but they can tell you a random fact about the life of a blackbird, or mention by the by, that the chamomile flower, in Victorian times meant 'energy in adversity'. (Oh I love that!)

It can disclose a lot about the individual. It may reveal that they are observant, appreciative of the small pleasures in life and are, in all probability, quite gentle company to be around.

To not feel lost in wonder at the wildlife around us - is to perhaps suggest that we are not in touch with our inner soul. It can be incredibly helpful and soothing to our wellbeing. Here are a few fleeting moments I've enjoyed today alone:

Watching a happy bee bumble about a lavender plant. (Yes, it really was happy)

Gently brushing my fingers through heavenly scented lavender. (No wonder the bee was so happy!)

Watching wood pigeons sweep up an invisible "hill" in the air and swoosh down, like they are on a roller-coaster. It's obvious they do this for the sheer thrill and joy of it. I find peace, pleasure and priceless joy in these wee snippets of time. ;o)

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