Wim Hoff

13 Jun 2022

Here in the uk there has been a programme on TV on Tuesday evenings. It’s called Freeze The Fear. It is on the BBC iPlayer. 

It is Wim Hoff and 6 celebrity guests doing challenges they thought they were not capable of. I personally do not have a lot of time for so called celebrities, but I must admit all his guests have dark secrets from the past some very sad. 

This is the part I think is worth trying at home. Cold showers, please don’t hang up now. 

Wim reckons this helps with depression as the cold increases the blood flow to parts of the brain that would not normally be reached. He holds many records for cold challenges that experts did not think possible. 

I have been having a shower as normal every morning nice and warm then gradually decrease the temperature. At first ten seconds then gradually build up the time. I normally do around 2 -4 minutes. 

I have been doing this for many months and I am convinced it is  a helping lift my mood. 

This is a not a quick fix but definitely worth trying it’s completely free and no drugs involved. 

It would be nice to find out if others get good results after a few days. 

Please try it. 


A Moodscope member.

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