
21 Mar 2024

After Christmas I put a ‘no rules’ rule in place. No expectations. No nasty chatter from myself to myself, which I suspect was learned and not me anyway. To go a little quiet through the dark parts of winter, I’ve heard it called ‘wintering’. A gentle surrender and a human equivalent of hibernation. So far it hasn’t been a game changer but a solid and reliable leaning post. 

It’s early morning. I’m currently listening to the fridge being noisy. I have a coffee which turns out to be a great one (same scoop each day always with different results). I’m watching a roof opposite very slowly turn to grey having been white with a thick frosty crust. And I’m playing with a jigsaw of The Snowman, abandoned in January.

I took my worries and threw them out with the dishwater. Why I should consider them, they don’t consider me. 

Is this how peace starts, and how clarity grows? Maybe I won’t iron my t-shirt but wear it warm from the airing cupboard. Maybe I’ll make homemade pizza for tea. 

“What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?” W H Davies

Love from 

The quiet room above the garage

A Moodscope member

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